3. Symptoms of Astigmatism Symptoms The most common symptoms of astigmatism is blurred vision of objects. Unlike myopia, astigmatism causes blurred vision for both close, and far-away objects. However, when it accompanies myopia, people may have better visions for closer objects, and therefore must be checked through accurate tests. Mild hyperopic astigmatism may not display protruding symptoms. However, severe astigmatism may cause eye fatigue from regulatory movement(The contraction of ciliary muscle of the eye to see close objects clearly), and even cause headaches. Moreover, because many patients with astigmatism can enhance their vision by squinting their eyes, they can establish a habit of squinting. In some severe cases, patients have complained about having double visions even when they use only one eye to see the objects. Doctors in the field of children ophthalmology recommend parents to test their children at around 3 years of age for their vision because the symptoms may not be protruding before the children start their schools or learn how to read, even if they have severe astigmatism. There are three kinds of visionary disorder: myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Among the three, people with only astigmatism are very rare; astigmatism usually accompanies myopia or hyperopia.Most people display some level of astigmatism to an extent, but the severity of the symptom influences the vision. For young children, sever astigmatism may cause amblyopia, unless their vision are corrected with glasses so that clear image can be generated on retina, preventing obstacles to deter vision development. Astigmatism often accompanies myopia or hyperopia. Astigmatism can be classified according to the symptom that it accompanies: Compound myopic Astigmatism, Myopic Astigmatism, Compound Astigmatism, Hyperopic Astigmatism, and Compound Hyperopic Astigmatism. |